Liquefied Synthetic Gas From Your Rubbish

Fuelling Vehicles With LSG

Fuelling Vehicles With Liquefied Synthetic Gas Made from Our Rubbish.

This article explores the potential of Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) as a sustainable alternative fuel for transportation and energy production.

I will be covering the production processes, applications and the many benefits of LSG, with a focus on two key technologies:

1.    Sierra Energy’s FastOx Gasification and

2.    Licella’s CAT-HTR process.

I will be discussing the feasibility of converting existing vehicles to dual-fuel systems capable of using both LSG and petrol, analysing the performance, efficiency and environmental impacts of LSG-powered vehicles.

I’ll also be examining the potential for producing LSG from waste materials, offering a solution to both waste management and sustainable fuel production challenges.

The 5 Key Findings You’ll Discover Include:

1.    LSG offers significant environmental benefits, including reduced emissions and waste reduction.

2.    Conversion of existing vehicles to dual-fuel systems is technically feasible and potentially cost-effective.

3.    LSG-powered vehicles can achieve comparable performance to petrol vehicles, with some advantages in certain areas.

4.    Advanced technologies like FastOx Gasification and CAT-HTR show promise in efficiently converting waste to valuable syngas and LSG.

5.    While challenges exist, the future outlook for LSG as a sustainable fuel source is promising, with potential applications across various sectors.

I’ll conclude that using waste-derived LSG to fuel our vehicles is not only achievable, but also represents a significant opportunity to address waste management and transportation emissions challenges.

Table Of Contents.

1.0 Introduction to Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG).

2.0 Converting Unleaded Petrol Fuelled Vehicles to Dual Fuel Systems.

3.0 Performance and Efficiency of LSG-Powered Vehicles.

4.0 Syngas Production: Sierra Energy FastOx Gasification.

5.0 Syngas Production: Licella’s CAT-HTR Process.

6.0 Alternative Syngas Production Methods.

7.0 From Syngas to LSG: The Conversion Process.

8.0 Economic Viability of LSG as a Vehicle Fuel.

9.0 Environmental Impact and Sustainability of LSG.

10. Future Prospects and Challenges for LSG in Transportation.

11.0 Fuelling Vehicles Via LSG Made from Our Rubbish is Very Feasible.

12.0 Conclusion.

1.0 Introduction to Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG).

In the quest for sustainable energy solutions, Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) has emerged as a groundbreaking alternative fuel, poised to revolutionize the transportation and energy sectors.

This innovative fuel represents a significant leap forward in our efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

1.1 What is Liquefied Synthetic Gas?

LSG is a synthetic fuel derived from a variety of feedstocks, including:

·        Natural gas.

·        Biomass.

·        Organic waste materials.

·        Industrial by-products.

Its chemical composition primarily consists of methane, with small amounts of other hydrocarbons, making it comparable to conventional natural gas.

However, its production process and potential applications set it apart as a more sustainable and versatile energy source.

1.2 The LSG Production Process.

The creation of LSG involves a sophisticated multi-step process:

1.    Feedstock Preparation: Raw materials are processed and prepared for conversion.

2.    Gasification: Feedstocks are converted into syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

3.    Gas Cleaning: The syngas is purified to remove impurities and contaminants.

4.    Methane Synthesis: The cleaned syngas undergoes catalytic reactions to produce methane.

5.    Liquefaction: The methane-rich gas is cooled and compressed into a liquid state for easier storage and transport.

1.3 The Advantages of LSG.

The adoption of LSG as an alternative fuel offers numerous benefits:

1.    Reduced Carbon Footprint: By utilizing renewable feedstocks, LSG production can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuel extraction and processing.

2.    Versatility: LSG can be used in existing infrastructure and technologies, enabling a smoother transition to cleaner fuel options across various industries.

3.    Energy Security: Diversifying energy sources with LSG reduces dependence on traditional fossil fuel imports and enhances energy independence.

4.    Waste Reduction: When produced from organic waste or industrial by-products, LSG contributes to waste management solutions and promotes a circular economy.

5.    Air Quality Improvement: The use of LSG, particularly in heavy-duty transportation, can lead to reduced air pollution in urban areas.

1.4 Current Applications and Future Potential.

LSG is already making inroads in several key areas:

·        Heavy-duty Transportation: Trucks and buses are being adapted to run on LSG, reducing emissions in the logistics and public transit sectors.

·        Maritime Operations: Ships are beginning to utilize LSG as a cleaner alternative to heavy fuel oil, addressing pollution concerns in ports and waterways.

·        Industrial Processes: Various industries are exploring LSG as a replacement for natural gas in high-energy processes, further reducing their carbon footprint.

As technology advances and infrastructure develops, LSG has the potential to play a crucial role in:

·        Power generation.

·        Residential and commercial heating.

·        Aviation fuel (as a precursor to sustainable aviation fuels).

1.5 Challenges and Future Outlook.

While LSG presents a promising solution, several challenges must be addressed:

1.    Infrastructure Development: Expanding production facilities and distribution networks is crucial for widespread adoption.

2.    Cost Competitiveness: Ongoing research aims to reduce production costs to make LSG economically viable against traditional fuels.

3.    Regulatory Framework: Establishing clear standards and regulations will be essential for safe and efficient LSG implementation.

Despite these challenges, the future of LSG looks bright. As countries worldwide strive to meet ambitious climate targets, LSG stands out as a versatile, clean, and practical alternative to conventional fossil fuels.

Its ability to leverage existing infrastructure while significantly reducing environmental impact positions LSG as a key player in the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape.

The exploration and development of LSG technology exemplify how innovative thinking and commitment to sustainability can reshape our approach to energy production and consumption, paving the way for a cleaner, more resilient future.

2.0 Converting Unleaded Petrol Fuelled Vehicles to Dual Fuel Systems.

The transition to cleaner fuel alternatives doesn’t always require a complete overhaul of existing vehicles.

Converting conventional internal combustion engine vehicles to utilize Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) alongside traditional unleaded petrol offers a practical pathway to reduce emissions and increase fuel flexibility.

This section explores the process, considerations, and implications of such conversions.

2.1 The Vehicle Conversion Process.

Engine Compatibility Assessment.

Before any modifications are made, it’s crucial to evaluate whether the existing engine can efficiently support a dual fuel configuration.

Factors to consider include:

·        Engine type and design.

·        Compression ratio.

·        Fuel injection system.

·        Engine control unit (ECU) capabilities.

Key Components of the Conversion.

1.    LSG Injection System Installation.

a.    Fuel tanks: Specially designed to withstand LSG’s pressure and temperature requirements.

b.    High-pressure pumps: To deliver LSG to the engine at the correct pressure.

c.    Injectors: Specialized for gas use, capable of precise fuel delivery.

2.    Fuel Supply System Modifications.

a.    Installation of gas lines and fittings.

b.    Integration of a fuel selection switch in the cabin.

3.    Ignition System Adaptations.

a.    Adjustments to spark timing for optimal LSG combustion.

b.    Potential upgrade of spark plugs for better performance with gas fuel.

4.    Engine Control Unit (ECU) Reprogramming.

a.    Software updates to manage dual fuel operation.

b.    Calibration for seamless transition between fuel types.

2.2 Cost Considerations.

The expense of converting a vehicle to a dual fuel system can vary significantly based on several factors:

·        Vehicle Make and Model: Some vehicles are more readily adaptable than others.

·        Quality of Components: Higher-grade components generally result in better performance but at a higher cost.

·        Labour Costs: Vary by region and complexity of the installation.

·        Regulatory Compliance: Additional costs may be incurred to meet local emissions standards.

My best guess is that conversion costs could range from $4,000 to $9,000, with some high-end conversions exceeding $12,000.

2.3 Safety Measures and Regulatory Compliance.

Safety is naturally paramount when dealing with gaseous fuels and key safety considerations include:

1.    Tank Installation: Proper mounting and shielding of LSG tanks.

2.    Leak Detection Systems: Installation of gas sensors and automatic shut-off valves.

3.    Ventilation: Ensuring adequate ventilation in case of minor leaks.

Regulatory compliance is equally important:

·        Certification: Converted vehicles must be certified by relevant authorities.

·        Regular Inspections: Mandatory safety checks may be required at specified intervals.

·        Technician Training: Only qualified technicians should perform conversions and maintenance.

2.4 Benefits of Dual Fuel Systems.

1.    Reduced Emissions: LSG burns cleaner than petrol, lowering overall vehicle emissions.

2.    Fuel Flexibility: Ability to switch between LSG and petrol based on availability and price.

3.    Potential Cost Savings: LSG is often cheaper than petrol, potentially offsetting conversion costs over time.

4.    Extended Range: Dual fuel capability can increase the overall driving range of the vehicle.

2.5 Challenges and Considerations.

·        Weight Increase: Additional fuel system components may slightly increase vehicle weight.

·        Performance Variations: Some vehicles may experience minor changes in power output or acceleration.

·        Maintenance Complexity: Dual systems require knowledge of both petrol and LSG systems for proper maintenance.

·        Resale Value: The impact on vehicle resale value can vary depending on market demand for dual fuel vehicles.

By understanding these essential elements, vehicle owners can make informed decisions about converting to a dual fuel system, balancing the environmental benefits with practical and economic considerations.

3.0 Performance and Efficiency of LSG-Powered Vehicles.

As Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) gains traction as an alternative fuel, understanding its impact on vehicle performance and efficiency is crucial.

This section provides a comprehensive analysis of LSG-powered vehicles compared to traditional petrol-powered counterparts.

3.1 Power Output and Torque.

LSG-powered engines can achieve comparable power output to petrol engines, but with some notable differences:

·        Horsepower: Generally on par with petrol engines, sometimes with a slight decrease (1-5%) due to lower energy density.

·        Torque: Often higher at lower RPMs, providing better low-end acceleration.

·        Power Curve: Smoother power delivery across the RPM range.

Three Factors influencing power output:

1.    Engine optimisation for LSG.

2.    Quality of the LSG fuel.

3.    Ambient temperature and pressure conditions.

3.2 Fuel Economy and Efficiency.

LSG often demonstrates favourable fuel economy compared to petrol:

·        Energy Content: LSG has a higher energy content per unit mass than petrol.

·        Combustion Efficiency: Cleaner burning properties of LSG can lead to more efficient combustion.

·        Miles Per Gallon (MPG)/Kilometres Per Litre (KPL) Equivalent: Can be 10-15% higher than petrol in optimised engines.

Real-world efficiency gains depend on:

·        Driving conditions (city vs. highway).

·        Vehicle weight and aerodynamics.

·        Engine tuning and optimisation.

3.3 Driving Range.

LSG vehicles can offer competitive driving ranges:

·        Tank Capacity: LSG tanks are often larger to compensate for lower energy density by volume.

·        Range Comparison: Typically 80-90% of petrol vehicle range, but can be extended with larger tanks or dual fuel systems.

·        Refuelling Infrastructure: Growing, but still less prevalent than petrol stations in many regions.

3.4 Cold Start Performance.

LSG exhibits superior cold start characteristics:

·        Ignition Temperature: Lower than petrol, allowing easier ignition in cold conditions.

·        Engine Warm-up: Faster than petrol engines, reducing emissions during the warm-up phase.

·        Cold Climate Reliability: Better performance in sub-zero temperatures compared to petrol.

3.5 Maintenance Requirements.

LSG-powered vehicles often have different maintenance needs:

·        Oil Changes: Less frequent due to cleaner combustion and reduced oil contamination.

·        Spark Plugs: May last longer due to cleaner burning fuel.

·        Fuel System: Requires specialized maintenance, but components often have longer lifespans.

·        Overall Engine Wear: Generally reduced due to cleaner combustion and fewer deposits.

3.6 Emissions Profile.

LSG offers significant emissions benefits:

·        CO2 Emissions: 20-30% lower than petrol when using renewable LSG sources.

·        Particulate Matter: Substantially reduced, improving air quality.

·        NOx Emissions: Can be lower, especially with proper engine tuning.

·        Lifecycle Emissions: Depend on LSG production method, but generally lower than petrol.

3.7 Performance in Different Vehicle Types.

LSG performance varies across vehicle categories:

1.    Passenger Cars: Comparable performance to petrol, with slight modifications in driving feel.

2.    Light-Duty Trucks: Often benefit from LSG’s torque characteristics.

3.    Heavy-Duty Vehicles: Significant potential for emissions reduction without compromising power.

4.    Buses: Ideal for public transit due to lower emissions and quieter operation.

3.8 Challenges and Ongoing Development.

While LSG shows promise, some challenges remain:

·        Engine Optimisation: Continuous research to fully leverage LSG’s properties.

·        Fuel Quality Standardization: Ensuring consistent LSG quality across suppliers.

·        Performance in Extreme Conditions: Ongoing improvements for high-altitude and extreme temperature performance.

·        Driver Education: Familiarizing users with slight differences in vehicle behaviour and refuelling procedures.

The performance and efficiency metrics of LSG-powered vehicles demonstrate their viability as alternatives to traditional petrol vehicles.

As technology advances and more vehicles are optimised for LSG use, we can expect to see further improvements in performance, efficiency and environmental impact.

4.0 Syngas Production: Sierra Energy FastOx Gasification

As our world pursues more sustainable energy solutions, Sierra Energy’s FastOx gasification technology stands out as a revolutionary approach to syngas production.

This section explores the intricacies of the FastOx process, its advantages, and its potential impact on the future of waste management and clean energy production.

4.1 Understanding FastOx Gasification.

FastOx gasification is an advanced thermal conversion process that transforms various waste materials into synthesis gas, or syngas.

This technology represents a significant leap forward in waste-to-energy solutions, offering a cleaner and more efficient alternative to traditional waste management methods.

4.2 Key Features of FastOx Technology.

1.    High-Temperature Process: Operates at temperatures exceeding 4,000°F (2,200°C).

2.    Oxygen-Blown System: Uses pure oxygen instead of air to drive the gasification process.

3.    Versatile Feedstock Handling: Can process a wide range of waste materials.

4.    Rapid Conversion: Achieves complete gasification in seconds.

4.3 The FastOx Process: Step-by-Step.

1.    Waste Preparation:

a.    Sorting and shredding of incoming waste materials

b.    Removal of large metal objects and other non-processable items

2.    Feedstock Introduction:

a.    Waste is fed into the gasifier through a sealed system.

b.    Continuous feed maintains process efficiency.

3.    Gasification Reaction:

a.    Waste undergoes pyrolysis (decomposition without oxygen) upon entering the gasifier.

b.    Remaining char and volatiles react with pure oxygen, creating extreme temperatures.

4.    Syngas Formation:

a.    High temperatures break down complex molecules into simple gases.

b.    Primary components: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and small amounts of methane.

5.    Syngas Cleaning:

a.    Raw syngas passes through cleaning systems to remove particulates, sulphur and other contaminants.

b.    Results in a clean, high-quality syngas suitable for various applications.

4.4 Feedstock Versatility.

FastOx technology can process a wide range of materials, including:

·        Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).

·        Medical waste.

·        Industrial by-products.

·        Agricultural residues.

·        Hazardous waste materials.

·        Plastics and tyres.

This versatility makes FastOx particularly valuable in addressing diverse waste management challenges while producing valuable syngas.

4.5 Environmental Benefits.

1.    Landfill Diversion: Significantly reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills.

2.    Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Prevents methane emissions from decomposing waste in landfills.

3.    Clean Energy Production: Produces low-carbon syngas that can be used for various energy applications.

4.    Hazardous Waste Treatment: Safely processes and neutralizes hazardous materials.

4.6 Applications of FastOx-Produced Syngas.

The high-quality syngas produced by FastOx gasification can be used for:

·        Electricity generation.

·        Production of hydrogen for fuel cells.

·        Creation of liquid fuels, including Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG).

·        Chemical manufacturing processes.

4.7 Challenges and Considerations.

While FastOx gasification offers numerous benefits, there are considerations to keep in mind:

·        Potentially High Initial Capital Costs: From what I understand, installation of FastOx systems would require significant upfront investment (construction and commission of the facility).

·        Oxygen Supply: Requires a steady supply of pure oxygen, which can impact operational costs.

·        Skilled Operation: Necessitates trained personnel for safe and efficient operation.

·        Regulatory Compliance: Must adhere to strict environmental and safety regulations.

4.8 Future Prospects.

FastOx gasification technology holds great promise for:

·        Decentralized Waste Management: Enabling communities to process waste locally.

·        Integration with Renewable Energy Systems: Complementing intermittent renewable sources.

·        Carbon-Negative Energy Production: When combined with carbon capture technologies.

·        Sustainable Urban Development: Providing clean energy solutions for growing cities.

Sierra Energy’s FastOx gasification represents a pivotal advancement in syngas production, offering a sustainable pathway to convert waste into valuable energy resources.

As the technology continues to evolve and be adopted, it has the potential to play a crucial role in the transition towards a circular economy and a cleaner energy future.

5.0 Syngas Production: Licella’s CAT-HTR Process.

Licella’s Catalytic Hydrothermal Reactor (CAT-HTR) technology represents a groundbreaking approach to syngas production, offering a unique solution to contemporary energy and waste management challenges.

This section delves into the intricacies of the CAT-HTR process, its advantages, and its potential impact on sustainable energy production.

5.1 Understanding the CAT-HTR Process.

The CAT-HTR process is an innovative technology that leverages the properties of supercritical water to convert various organic feedstocks into valuable products, including syngas.

This process stands out for its ability to efficiently process wet biomass and chemically recycle plastic waste, addressing two significant environmental concerns simultaneously.

Key Features of CAT-HTR Technology.

1.    Supercritical Water Conditions: Operates at temperatures around 374°C and pressures of 221 bar.

2.    Catalytic Process: Uses proprietary catalysts to enhance reaction efficiency.

3.    Feedstock Flexibility: Can process a wide range of organic materials, including those with high moisture content.

4.    Rapid Conversion: Achieves complete conversion in minutes rather than hours.

5.2 The CAT-HTR Process: Step-by-Step.

1.    Feedstock Preparation:

a.    Sorting and sizing of incoming organic materials.

b.    Mixing with water to create a pumpable slurry.

2.    Pressurization and Heating:

a.    Feedstock slurry is pressurized and rapidly heated to supercritical conditions.

3.    Catalytic Reaction:

a.    Under supercritical conditions, organic materials break down into simpler compounds.

b.    Proprietary catalysts guide the reaction towards desired products.

4.    Product Formation:

a.    Complex organic molecules are converted into a mixture of gases and bio-crude oil.

5.    Separation and Purification:

a.    Products are separated into gas, liquid, and solid phases.

b.    Syngas is extracted and purified for further use.

5.3 Feedstock Versatility.

The CAT-HTR process can handle a diverse range of feedstocks, including:

·        Biomass (forestry residues, agricultural waste).

·        Algae.

·        Plastic waste (including mixed and contaminated plastics).

·        Sewage sludge.

·        Industrial organic waste.

This versatility makes CAT-HTR particularly valuable in addressing complex waste streams while producing valuable syngas and other products.

5.4 Environmental Benefits.

1.    Plastic Waste Recycling: Offers a chemical recycling solution for end-of-life plastics.

2.    Carbon Efficiency: High carbon conversion efficiency, reducing overall CO2 emissions.

3.    Water Conservation: Utilizes wet biomass, reducing water consumption compared to traditional gasification.

4.    Renewable Energy Production: Creates renewable syngas from waste materials.

5.5 Applications of CAT-HTR-Produced Syngas.

The syngas produced by the CAT-HTR process can be used for:

·        Production of renewable hydrogen.

·        Creation of synthetic fuels, including Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG).

·        Chemical manufacturing processes.

·        Power generation.

5.6 Unique Advantages of CAT-HTR.

1.    Wet Feedstock Processing: Can handle feedstocks with up to 90% moisture content.

2.    Energy Efficiency: Requires less energy input compared to traditional gasification methods.

3.    Scalability: Modular design allows for both small-scale and large-scale implementations.

4.    Reduced Pre-treatment: Minimal feedstock preparation required, reducing overall costs.

5.7 Challenges and Considerations.

While CAT-HTR offers numerous benefits, there are aspects to consider:

·        High-Pressure Operation: Requires specialized equipment and safety measures.

·        Catalyst Management: Ongoing research to optimise catalyst performance and longevity.

·        Product Variability: Output can vary based on feedstock composition.

·        Regulatory Landscape: Emerging technology may face evolving regulatory requirements.

5.8 Future Prospects.

The CAT-HTR technology shows tremendous promise for:

·        Circular Economy Integration: Enabling the recycling of complex waste streams into valuable products and it could see the end of plastic waste being a problem for our world.

·        Decentralized Waste Processing: Allowing for localized waste-to-energy solutions.

·        Renewable Chemical Production: Providing a sustainable pathway for chemical manufacturing.

·        Carbon-Negative Fuel Production: When combined with sustainable feedstocks and carbon capture.

Licella’s CAT-HTR process represents a significant advancement in syngas production technology, offering a versatile and efficient method to convert various organic wastes into valuable energy products.

As this technology continues to develop and scale, it has the potential to play a crucial role in sustainable waste management and renewable energy production, contributing to a cleaner and more circular economy.

I strongly believe that if we embrace both CAT-HTR and FastOx Gasification as our sole methods of dealing with waste, not only would we be able to provide ourselves with enough Syngas to power our vehicles but also enough left over to make a substantial amount of clean electricity from processing our waste.

6.0 Alternative Syngas Production Methods.

While innovative technologies like FastOx gasification and CAT-HTR are advancing the field of syngas production, there are several other methods, both traditional and emerging, that play crucial roles in the syngas landscape.

This section explores these alternative production methods, their advantages, challenges, and potential in the context of sustainable energy.

6.1 Traditional Methods.

6.1.1 Steam Methane Reforming (SMR).

Steam methane reforming is currently the most widely used method for syngas production.

1.    Process:

a.    Natural gas (primarily methane) reacts with steam at high temperatures (700-1000°C) in the presence of a catalyst.

b.    The reaction produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide (syngas).

2.    Advantages:

a.    Well-established technology.

b.    Relatively low production costs.

c.    High efficiency in hydrogen production.

3.    Challenges:

a.    Relies on fossil fuel feedstock.

b.    Significant CO2 emissions.

c.    Susceptible to natural gas price fluctuations.

6.1.2 Coal Gasification.

Coal gasification is a mature technology that converts coal into syngas.

1.    Process:

a.    Coal reacts with oxygen and steam under high pressure and temperature.

b.    The resulting gas mixture is cleaned and processed to produce syngas.

2.    Advantages:

a.    Utilizes abundant coal resources.

b.    Can handle low-grade coal.

c.    Produces a versatile syngas product.

3.    Challenges:

a.    High CO2 emissions.

b.    Environmental concerns related to coal mining.

c.    Ash and slag management issues.

6.2 Emerging Renewable Methods.

6.2.1 Biomass Gasification.

Biomass gasification offers a renewable pathway for syngas production.

1.    Process:

a.    Organic matter (e.g., wood, crop residues) is heated in a low-oxygen environment.

b.    The resulting gas is cleaned and conditioned to produce syngas.

2.    Advantages:

a.    Carbon-neutral when using sustainable biomass sources.

b.    Helps in waste management.

c.    Can be combined with carbon capture for negative emissions.

3.    Challenges:

a.    Feedstock variability affects syngas composition.

b.    Tar formation can cause operational issues.

c.    Feedstock collection and transportation logistics.

6.2.2 Plasma Gasification.

Plasma gasification uses extremely high temperatures to convert waste into syngas.

1.    Process:

a.    Waste materials are exposed to plasma (ionized gas) at temperatures of 5,000-7,000°C.

b.    Organic materials are converted to syngas; inorganic materials form a vitrified slag.

2.    Advantages:

a.    Can process a wide variety of waste, including hazardous materials.

b.    Produces a clean syngas with minimal tars.

c.    Reduces landfill waste significantly.

3.    Challenges:

a.    High energy input required.

b.    Complex technology with high capital costs.

c.    Limited commercial-scale implementations.

6.2.3 Electrolysis-Based Syngas Production.

This method uses renewable electricity to produce syngas components.

1.    Process:

a.    Water electrolysis produces hydrogen.

b.    CO2 electrolysis or co-electrolysis produces carbon monoxide.

c.    The two gases are combined to form syngas.

2.    Advantages:

a.    Can utilize excess renewable energy.

b.    Potential for carbon-neutral or carbon-negative production.

c.    Highly pure syngas production.

3.    Challenges:

a.    Currently higher cost compared to SMR.

b.    Scalability issues.

c.    Dependent on renewable energy availability.

6.3 Comparative Analysis.



Carbon Footprint


Technological Maturity


Natural Gas



Very High

Coal Gasification


Very High



Biomass Gasification

Organic Matter

Low to Negative



Plasma Gasification

Various Waste


Low to Medium

Low to Medium


Water, CO2

Potentially Negative

Low to Medium


Now let’s include a comparative analysis of Licella’s CAT-HTR and Sierra Energy’s FastOx Gasification:



Carbon Footprint


Technological Maturity

Licella’s CAT-HTR

Biomass, Plastics


Medium to High

Medium to High

FastOx Gasification

Various Waste





6.4 Future Prospects and Research Directions.

1.    Integration of Carbon Capture: Developing efficient carbon capture technologies for traditional methods.

2.    Improve Biomass Processing: Enhancing biomass pre-treatment and gasification efficiency.

3.    Advanced Catalysts: Research into novel catalysts to improve syngas yield and quality.

4.    Hybrid Systems: Combining different technologies for optimised production.

5.    AI and Machine Learning: Implementing advanced control systems for process optimisation.

The diverse landscape of syngas production methods offers multiple pathways towards a more sustainable energy future.

While traditional methods currently dominate due to their maturity and scale, emerging renewable technologies show great promise in addressing environmental concerns and utilizing waste resources.

The choice of production method will depend on factors such as feedstock availability, environmental regulations, economic considerations, and technological advancements.

7.0 From Syngas to LSG: The Conversion Process.

The conversion of syngas into liquefied synthetic gas (LSG) involves several critical stages, each fundamental in ensuring the effective production of this alternative fuel.

Initially, syngas, which is primarily composed of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, undergoes a purification process.

This step is vital for the removal of impurities such as sulphur compounds and particulates that could hinder downstream processes.

By utilizing advanced filtration and scrubbing techniques, the quality of the syngas is enhanced, paving the way for subsequent chemical reactions.

Following purification, the next significant phase is methanation.

Note: Methanation is a chemical process where carbon oxides (carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) react with hydrogen (H2) to produce methane (CH4) and water (H2O).

This reaction is a exothermic reaction (a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat or light).

During this reaction, carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the purified syngas are converted into methane.

This stage is typically facilitated by catalytic processes where metal catalysts, such as nickel, are employed to aid the reaction, resulting in increased yield and efficiency of methane creation.

The success of this reaction is essential, as methane is a primary component of liquefied synthetic gas, influencing its overall energy content and combustion characteristics.

To further process methane into LSG, gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology is implemented.  GTL technology utilizes high pressure and temperature conditions to convert gaseous hydrocarbons into liquid products, enabling the condensation of methane into a storable, transportable fuel form.

The liquefaction process is critical as it reduces the volume of methane substantially, making it easier to transport via pipelines or in liquid storage tanks.

Once produced, the storage of liquefied synthetic gas necessitates adherence to safety and regulatory standards, ensuring that the gas remains in its liquid state within secure containers.

This phase highlights the importance of robust infrastructure capable of handling LSG, addressing potential risks with transport and storage.

Understanding these intricate steps from syngas processing to storage is essential for comprehending the comprehensive pathway toward utilizing liquefied synthetic gas as a viable transportation fuel.

8.0 Economic Viability of LSG as a Vehicle Fuel.

The adoption of Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) as a vehicle fuel hinges not only on its environmental benefits but also on its economic viability.

This section explores the various economic factors that influence the adoption of LSG in the transportation sector.

8.1 Production Costs.

The cost of producing LSG is a critical factor in its economic viability.

Key Cost Components:

1.    Feedstock Costs: Varies based on the source (e.g., biomass, waste, natural gas).

2.    Processing Costs: Including syngas production and conversion to LSG.

3.    Capital Expenditure: Initial investment in production facilities.

4.    Operating Expenses: Ongoing costs for maintenance, labour and utilities.

Cost Reduction Strategies:

·        Economies of scale in production.

·        Technological advancements improving efficiency.

·        Utilization of waste materials as feedstock.

8.2 Distribution Infrastructure.

The development of distribution infrastructure significantly impacts the economic viability of LSG.

Infrastructure Requirements:

·        Storage facilities.

·        Transportation systems (e.g., pipelines, tanker trucks).

·        Refuelling stations.

Economic Considerations:

·        High initial investment costs.

·        Potential for leveraging existing natural gas infrastructure.

·        Gradual expansion aligned with market demand.

8.3 Market Demand and Adoption.

The economic viability of LSG is closely tied to market demand and adoption rates.

Factors Influencing Demand:

·        Government policies and incentives.

·        Environmental regulations.

·        Consumer awareness and preferences.

·        Comparative fuel prices.

Adoption Scenarios:

·        Rapid adoption in fleet vehicles (e.g., buses, trucks).

·        Gradual penetration in the private vehicle market.

·        Niche applications in specific industries.

8.4 Comparative Cost Analysis.

Understanding how LSG compares economically to other fuel options.

Fuel Type

Production Cost

Infrastructure Cost

Vehicle Conversion Cost

Fuel Efficiency








Low (Existing)





Low (Existing)






High but most will opt for a New Vehicle.

Very High (no fuel required)



Very High



8.5 Government Incentives and Policies.

Government support can significantly impact the economic viability of LSG.

Potential Incentives:

·        Tax credits for LSG production and use.

·        Subsidies for infrastructure development.

·        Grants for research and development.

·        Carbon pricing mechanisms favouring low-emission fuels.

8.6 Economic Benefits.

The adoption of LSG can bring various economic benefits:

1.    Job Creation: In production, distribution, and related industries.

2.    Energy Security: Reduced dependence on imported fossil fuels.

3.    Waste Reduction: Economic value from waste-to-fuel processes.

4.    Health Cost Savings: From reduced air pollution in urban areas.

8.7 Challenges to Economic Viability.

Several challenges need to be addressed to enhance the economic viability of LSG:

1.    High Initial Costs: Significant investment required for production and infrastructure.

2.    Market Uncertainty: Fluctuating demand and competition from other alternative fuels.

3.    Technological Risks: Potential for rapid advancements making current investments obsolete.

4.    Regulatory Landscape: Changing policies and standards affecting LSG adoption.

8.8 Future Outlook.

The economic viability of LSG is expected to improve over time due to:

·        Technological advancements reducing production costs.

·        Increasing scale of production and distribution.

·        Growing environmental concerns driving supportive policies.

·        Potential integration with renewable energy systems.

8.9 Economic Modelling.

To assess the long-term economic viability of LSG, comprehensive economic modelling is essential:

·        Levelized Cost of Fuel (LCOF): Comparing LSG with other fuel options over their lifecycle.

·        Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): For vehicle operators considering fuel, maintenance, and vehicle costs.

·        Sensitivity Analysis: Understanding the impact of various factors (e.g., feedstock prices, policy changes) on viability.

The economic viability of LSG as a vehicle fuel is a complex interplay of production costs, infrastructure development, market dynamics and policy support.

While challenges exist, particularly in the short term, the potential for LSG to become economically competitive grows as technology advances and environmental considerations gain prominence in the transportation sector.

9.0 Environmental Impact and Sustainability of LSG.

Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) has garnered attention as a potential sustainable alternative to conventional fossil fuels.

This section examines the environmental implications of LSG production and use, assessing its sustainability from a holistic perspective.

9.1 Life Cycle Analysis.

A comprehensive life cycle analysis (LCA) is crucial for understanding the true environmental impact of LSG.

Key Stages in LSG Life Cycle:

1.    Feedstock production/collection.

2.    Syngas production.

3.    LSG conversion and liquefaction.

4.    Distribution and storage.

5.    End-use in vehicles.

LCA Metrics:

·        Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.

·        Energy input vs. output.

·        Water consumption.

·        Land use changes.

·        Air and water pollutants.

9.2 Carbon Footprint.

As you would expect, the carbon footprint of LSG varies significantly based on production methods and feedstock sources.

Potential for Carbon Reduction:

·        Up to 80% lower GHG emissions compared to conventional fossil fuels when using renewable feedstocks.

·        Near carbon-neutral or carbon-negative potential when combined with carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Factors Influencing Carbon Footprint:

·        Feedstock type (e.g., waste biomass vs. natural gas).

·        Energy source for production processes.

·        Efficiency of conversion and liquefaction.

·        Methane leakage during production and distribution.

9.3 Air Quality Impact.

LSG combustion generally results in cleaner emissions compared to traditional fuels.

Emission Reductions:

·        Lower particulate matter (PM) emissions.

·        Reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

·        Minimal sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions.

Urban Air Quality Benefits:

·        Potential for significant improvement in urban areas with high vehicle density.

·        Reduced smog formation and associated health impacts.

9.4 Water Usage and Quality.

Water considerations in LSG production and use are important for overall environmental impact.

Water Consumption:

·        Varies by production method (e.g., higher for certain biomass feedstocks).

·        Generally lower than water usage in oil extraction and refining.

Water Quality:

Potential for improved water quality due to reduced oil spills and leaks

Need for proper management of wastewater from production processes

9.5 Land Use and Biodiversity.

The impact of LSG on land use and biodiversity depends largely on feedstock sources.


·        Potential competition with food crops if using agricultural biomass.

·        Opportunity for land restoration when using waste or marginal land for feedstock production.

·        Reduced land impact compared to oil extraction and refining.

9.6 Waste Reduction and Circular Economy.

LSG production can contribute to waste reduction and circular economy principles.


·        Utilization of municipal solid waste, agricultural residues, and industrial by-products as feedstock.

·        Reduction in landfill waste and associated methane emissions.

Circular Economy Integration:

·        Closing the loop on waste management.

·        Creating value from waste streams.

9.7 Sustainability Challenges.

Several challenges need to be addressed to ensure the long-term sustainability of LSG:

1.    Feedstock Sustainability: Ensuring sustainable sourcing of biomass and waste materials.

2.    Energy Intensity: Reducing the energy required for production and liquefaction.

3.    Methane Leakage: Minimizing fugitive emissions throughout the supply chain.

4.    Scale-up Impacts: Managing environmental impacts as production scales up.

9.8 Environmental Policy and Regulations.

The environmental impact of LSG is influenced by policy frameworks and regulations.

Key Policy Areas:

·        Renewable fuel standards.

·        Carbon pricing mechanisms.

·        Emissions regulations for vehicles.

·        Land use and biodiversity protection policies.

9.9 Future Environmental Prospects.

The environmental profile of LSG is expected to improve with technological advancements:

·        Integration with renewable energy for production.

·        Advanced carbon capture and utilization technologies.

·        Improved efficiency in conversion and end-use.

·        Development of more sustainable feedstock sources.

9.10 Comparative Environmental Analysis.





Electric Vehicles

GHG Emissions




Varies (depends on electricity source)

Air Pollutants




Very Low

Water Usage





Land Use Impact

Varies (feedstock dependent)




Waste Reduction Potential





The environmental impact and sustainability of LSG present a complex picture with significant potential for positive outcomes.

While challenges remain, particularly in terms of production efficiency and feedstock sustainability, LSG offers a promising pathway towards reducing the environmental footprint of the transportation sector.

As technology advances and sustainability practices improve, LSG could play a crucial role in the transition to a more environmentally friendly energy landscape.

10. Future Prospects and Challenges for LSG in Transportation.

The transportation sector is on the cusp of a significant transformation, with Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) emerging as a promising alternative fuel.

It’s very important that the transportation sector benefits from advancements in environmentally friendly fuels and vehicle technologies for many reasons and below is just a few of them:

1.    Reduction in Emissions:

a.    The transportation sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

b.    Adoption of low-emission technologies can drastically reduce the sector’s carbon footprint, helping to mitigate climate change.

2.    Improved Air Quality:

a.    Cleaner fuels and more efficient engines lead to lower emissions of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.

b.    This can significantly improve air quality, particularly in urban areas, leading to better public health outcomes.

3.    Energy Efficiency:

a.    Advanced fuel systems and engine technologies can improve fuel efficiency, reducing the overall consumption of fossil fuels.

b.    This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the economic burden of fuel costs.

4.    Economic Benefits:

a.    Early adoption of green technologies can position a country as a leader in the global market for sustainable transportation solutions.

b.    This can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and foster innovation.

5.    Compliance with Regulations:

a.    As governments worldwide implement stricter environmental regulations, early adoption ensures that the transportation sector remains compliant, avoiding potential fines and penalties.

6.    Public Perception and Demand:

a.    Consumers are increasingly aware of environmental issues and are demanding greener options.

b.    Early adoption can enhance a company’s reputation and meet consumer demand for sustainable products.

By integrating these advancements, the transportation sector can play a pivotal role in driving the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

With that in mind, this section explores the potential of LSG, its advantages and the hurdles it faces in becoming a mainstream transportation fuel.

10.1 Technological Advancements.

Recent innovations have dramatically improved LSG’s viability as a transportation fuel:

·        Production Efficiency: Advancements in gasification and methanation technologies have enhanced LSG production efficiency, making it more economically competitive1.

·        Carbon Neutrality: LSG can be produced from renewable resources, positioning it as a key player in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

·        Versatility: LSG’s adaptability allows for its use across various vehicle types, including public buses, freight trucks and maritime vessels.

10.2 Infrastructure Development.

The success of LSG in transportation hinges on robust infrastructure:

·        Refuelling Network: Establishing a comprehensive network of LSG refuelling stations is crucial for widespread adoption.

·        Distribution Systems: Developing efficient LSG transportation and distribution networks is essential for seamless integration into the existing fuel ecosystem.

·        Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between government entities and private companies will be vital in creating the necessary infrastructure.

10.3 Integration with Renewable Energy.

LSG’s potential extends beyond its use as a fuel:

1.    Energy Storage:

a.    While LSG (Liquid Synthetic Gas) itself doesn’t store energy until it’s burnt, it can be produced using excess renewable energy.

b.    For instance, when there’s surplus electricity from renewable sources like wind or solar, this energy can be used to produce LSG.

c.    This way, LSG acts as an energy storage medium, capturing the excess renewable energy for later use.

2.    Grid Stability:

a.    Integrating LSG with smart grid technologies can enhance the resilience of the energy system.

b.    Smart grids can efficiently manage and distribute energy, including LSG, to balance supply and demand.

c.    This integration helps maintain grid stability, especially when dealing with the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources.

So, while LSG itself doesn’t store energy, it could play a crucial role in utilizing and storing excess renewable energy, contributing to a more stable and resilient energy system.

10.4 Regulatory Landscape.

The regulatory environment will play a crucial role in LSG adoption:

·        Policy Frameworks: Policymakers must develop comprehensive regulations that promote LSG use while ensuring environmental standards are met.

·        Regional Variations: Differences in regulations across regions may create challenges for LSG market entry and standardization.

10.5 Challenges.

Despite its potential, LSG faces several obstacles:

·        Cost Competitiveness: Achieving price parity with conventional fuels remains a challenge, particularly in regions with established fossil fuel infrastructure.

·        Public Awareness: Educating consumers and stakeholders about the benefits and safety of LSG is crucial for its acceptance.

·        Technological Barriers: Continued research and development are needed to improve LSG production efficiency and reduce costs.

10.6 Future Outlook.

The future of LSG in transportation looks promising:

·        Sustainable Transportation: As industries transition away from fossil fuels, LSG could become a cornerstone of sustainable transportation networks.

·        Market Growth: With ongoing technological advancements and supportive policies, the LSG market is expected to experience substantial growth in the coming years.

·        Environmental Impact: The widespread adoption of LSG could significantly contribute to reducing the transportation sector’s carbon footprint, aligning with global sustainability goals.

As LSG technology continues to mature and infrastructure develops, it has the potential to revolutionize the transportation sector, offering a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

However, overcoming the challenges of cost, infrastructure and regulation will be crucial in realizing its full potential.

11.0 Fuelling Vehicles Via LSG Made from Our Rubbish is Very Feasible.

The concept of powering vehicles with Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) produced from everyday waste is not just a theoretical possibility but a practical and increasingly viable solution.

This section explores the feasibility of this innovative approach to sustainable transportation.

11.1 Waste-to-LSG Conversion.

The process of converting rubbish into LSG involves 5 key steps:

1.    Waste collection and sorting.

2.    Gasification of waste materials.

3.    Syngas cleaning and processing.

4.    Conversion of syngas to LSG.

5.    Liquefaction and storage.

Advanced technologies like Sierra Energy’s FastOx gasification system can efficiently convert various waste materials into high-quality syngas, which serves as the precursor for LSG production.

11.2 Technological Viability.

Recent advancements in waste-to-energy technologies have significantly improved the efficiency and scalability of LSG production from municipal solid waste:

1.    FastOx Gasification: This process can handle a wide range of waste materials, operating at extremely high temperatures to produce clean syngas suitable for LSG production.

2.    Catalytic Hydrothermal Reactor (CAT-HTR): Licella’s technology efficiently converts biomass and plastic waste into bio-crude oil, which can be further refined into LSG.

11.3 Economic Considerations.

The economic feasibility of producing LSG from waste is becoming increasingly a great idea:

·        Waste Management Savings: Diverting waste from landfills can result in significant cost savings for municipalities.

·        Energy Production Revenue: The sale of LSG can offset operational costs and potentially generate additional income.

·        Fuel Cost Competitiveness: As LSG production technologies improve, the cost of LSG is becoming more competitive with traditional fuels.

11.4 Environmental Benefits.

Using LSG produced from waste as a vehicle fuel offers substantial environmental advantages:

·        Reduced Landfill Use: Decreases the volume of waste sent to landfills, mitigating associated environmental issues.

·        Lower Emissions: LSG-powered vehicles can produce 20-30% lower CO2 emissions compared to petrol, especially when using renewable LSG sources.

·        Circular Economy: Promotes the concept of waste as a resource, supporting sustainability goals.

11.5 Vehicle Compatibility.

Existing vehicles can be adapted to use LSG through conversion to dual-fuel systems:

·        Conversion Process: Involves installing LSG tanks, injection systems, and modifying the engine control unit.

·        Performance: LSG-powered vehicles can achieve comparable power output to petrol engines, sometimes with improved torque characteristics.

·        Range and Efficiency: While slightly lower than petrol in some cases, LSG vehicles can offer competitive driving ranges and fuel efficiency.

11.6 Challenges and Solutions.

Sure, challenges might exist but they are increasingly being addressed:

·        Infrastructure Development: Expanding LSG production facilities and distribution networks is crucial for widespread adoption.

·        Public Perception: Education and community engagement programs can help build support for waste-to-energy initiatives.

·        Regulatory Framework: Governments are developing policies to support and regulate waste-to-energy projects and alternative fuel vehicles.

11.7 Future Outlook.

The future of fuelling vehicles with LSG made from rubbish looks promising:

·        Technological Improvements: Ongoing research is likely to further increase efficiency and reduce costs of both LSG production and vehicle conversions.

·        Integration with Smart Cities: LSG production from waste could become a key component of future urban waste management and transportation systems.

·        Global Adoption: As more countries seek sustainable waste management and transportation solutions, LSG production from waste is poised for widespread implementation.

Without a doubt in my mind, fuelling vehicles with Liquefied Synthetic Gas made from our rubbish is not just feasible but represents a significant opportunity to address both waste management challenges and transportation emissions.

As technology advances and environmental concerns grow, this approach offers a practical path towards a more sustainable and circular economy in the transportation sector.

12.0 Conclusion.

The exploration of Liquefied Synthetic Gas (LSG) as a viable fuel for vehicles, particularly when derived from waste materials, represents a significant step towards sustainable transportation and effective waste management.

With my conclusion I’ll synthesize the key points discussed throughout this article, highlighting the feasibility and potential impact of this innovative approach.

12.1 Technological Viability.

I’d like to think that this article has demonstrated that the technology for producing LSG from waste is not only available but increasingly efficient:

FastOx Gasification: Sierra Energy’s technology, discussed in Section 4.0, showcases the ability to convert a wide range of waste materials into high-quality syngas, a precursor to LSG.

CAT-HTR Process: Licella’s technology, mentioned in Section 5.0, offers another promising method for converting waste into valuable fuel products.

12.2 Vehicle Compatibility.

As explored in Section 2.0, existing vehicles can be adapted to use LSG through conversion to dual-fuel systems:

The conversion process, while requiring initial investment, is technologically feasible and can be performed on many existing vehicles.

Dual-fuel systems offer the flexibility to use both LSG and traditional petrol, easing the transition to alternative fuels.

12.3 Performance and Efficiency.

Section 3.0 detailed the performance characteristics of LSG-powered vehicles:

·        LSG vehicles can achieve comparable power output to petrol engines, sometimes with improved torque characteristics.

·        Fuel efficiency can be 10-15% higher than petrol in optimised engines.

·        Emissions from LSG vehicles are significantly lower, with CO2 reductions of 20-30% when using renewable LSG sources.

12.4 Environmental Impact.

The use of LSG produced from waste offers substantial environmental benefits:

Reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills, addressing critical waste management issues [Section 4.5].

Lowers greenhouse gas emissions both from waste decomposition and vehicle use [Section 3.6] & [Section 4.5].

Supports the circular economy by turning waste into a valuable energy resource [Section 1.3].

12.5 Economic Considerations.

While initial costs for infrastructure and vehicle conversion are significant, the long-term economic benefits are promising:

·        Potential fuel cost savings for vehicle operators [Section 2.4].

·        Creation of a new industry around waste-to-fuel conversion, potentially generating jobs and economic growth.

·        Reduction in waste management costs for municipalities [Section 4.5].

12.6 Challenges and Future Outlook.

The document acknowledges several challenges that need to be addressed:

·        Infrastructure development for LSG production and distribution [Section 1.5].

·        Public awareness and acceptance of LSG as a vehicle fuel.

·        Regulatory frameworks to support and standardize LSG use in transportation [Section 1.5].

However, the future outlook is positive:

·        Ongoing technological improvements are likely to increase efficiency and reduce costs [Section 1.5].

·        Growing environmental concerns and stricter emissions regulations favour the adoption of cleaner fuels like LSG.

·        The versatility of LSG production from various waste sources makes it adaptable to different regional contexts.

Fuelling vehicles with Liquefied Synthetic Gas made from our rubbish is something to look forward to.

Not only is it possible but it represents a promising solution to multiple challenges facing our society.

It offers a path to reduce waste, lower emissions, and create a more sustainable transportation system.

12.7 Convert Landfill Rubbish Operations Into LSG Production Centres.

If your local areas wants to convert your current landfill rubbish dump to an operation using FastOx Gasification or CAT-HTR (or both in parallel), you could take the following actions:

1.    Community Education and Engagement:

a.    Organize informational sessions about FastOx and CAT-HTR technologies, highlighting their benefits as discussed in Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of this article.

b.    Create awareness about the environmental and economic advantages of these waste-to-energy solutions [Section 4.5].

2.    Local Government Advocacy:

a.    Attend city council meetings to raise the issue and gauge local government interest.

b.    Present the benefits of waste-to-energy technologies, including landfill diversion and potential revenue generation [Section 4.5].

3.    Petition State/Territory Representatives:

a.    Write letters or emails to state/territory local members explaining the desire for waste-to-energy solutions.

b.    Emphasize how these technologies align with state environmental goals and waste management strategies.

4.    Engage with Environmental Groups:

a.    Collaborate with local environmental organizations to build broader support.

b.    Use their platforms to amplify the message and reach more community members.

5.    Feasibility Study Request:

a.    Formally request that the local government conduct a feasibility study for implementing FastOx or CAT-HTR technologies.

b.    Highlight the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits [Section 4.5] & [Section 4.6].

6.    State/Federal Funding Exploration:

a.    Research and propose potential state or federal funding opportunities for waste-to-energy projects.

b.    Emphasize how these technologies contribute to national emissions reduction targets.

7.    Public-Private Partnership Proposals:

a.    Suggest exploring partnerships with private companies specializing in FastOx or CAT-HTR technologies.

b.    Highlight the potential for job creation and economic development.

8.    Media Engagement:

a.    Reach out to local media to cover the story and increase public awareness.

b.    Share success stories from other regions that have implemented similar technologies.

9.    Regulatory Framework Advocacy:

a.    Push for state/territory-level regulations that mandate or incentivize waste-to-energy solutions for local governments.

b.    Emphasize the technology’s role in achieving circular economy goals [Section 1.3].

10. Collaborative Regional Approach:

a.    Propose collaboration with neighbouring municipalities to create a regional waste-to-energy facility, potentially making the project more economically viable.

By taking these actions, you and your fellow community members can effectively advocate for the adoption of advanced waste-to-energy technologies like FastOx Gasification or CAT-HTR in their local area.

After all, what’s not to like about transforming all current landfill operations into more sustainable and efficient waste management systems.

As technology advances and awareness grows, LSG from waste has the potential to play a very significant role in our transition to a cleaner, more circular economy that we can all be proud of.

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[…] 8.    Liquefied Synthetic Gas and petroleum gas […]


[…] 8.    Liquefied Synthetic Gas and petroleum gas […]


[…] A car that runs on synthetic gas, that sounds crazy, doesn’t it? […]

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